When you own your own business, especially a creative one like ours, it’s sometimes really difficult to stay inspired – despite loving what we do, work sometimes becomes something you just “do” and not something you “create” and there is a huge difference in that. One piece of advice that I keep hearing from other photographers, in order to escape the the trap of feeling like photography is no longer an art, is to shoot for yourself. So this week I made a new resolution for myself and that is to photograph at least one little thing each day and, if I feel inspired, shoot as much as possible. So far the first week has been challenging, I’m not going to lie. Being sleep-deprived (Little Miss Vie has decided that she is over sleep) sometimes makes it hard to look at the world through a rosy/ artistic lens. But nonetheless, I am trying to do this for myself as well as for my work. So every Friday I will do my best to post my own week in review, to capture the world as I saw it with all of its beauty, darkness, laughter, tears and joy. I hope you enjoy the project…