When a couple we met at another wedding asks us to photograph their own big day, we can’t help but high-five each other (yes, we are THAT dorky!) To us, this means two things: one – we already get along and our chemistry is aligned (BONUS!) and 2 – we must have done something right (DOUBLE BONUS). So when NJ and Jacqueline asked us to capture their special day we were thrilled. Their wedding is fast approaching and we are super excited to spend even more time with them, and so in honour of the yet-to-occur occasion, we are posting some snaps of their engagement session in Little Italy.
We always suggest to our couples to have fun with their engagement session location and to choose something and some place that strongly represents them and their relationship. Somewhere you feel comfy and/or are familiar with so that it is a true representation of your journey together. Because NJ & Jacqueline are huge fans of board games, we started the evening at Snakes and Lattes a cafe that holds oodles and oodles of games and serves some pretty great lattes. After a pretty heated game of Scrabble, we made our way through the charming Toronto neighbourhood taking in the gorgeous weather and light. It was a lovely and chill way to spend a warm summer evening…